Into the unknown, at least that is what it feels like for this ole fart. Shoulda studied "Greek" in school, maybe I woulda been a little more prepared as far as Computors and the Internet are concerned. But like anything in life, one can search, research, study which leads to a headache, or just jump in like I'm doing now. So this blog site is under construction and will contain, in the future, that which maybe is new or different and maybe tingle some old brain cells, which can only be a good thing.?? huh. I would hope that when I finally "hit the road" that I will meet those of like mind and currently free as the birds to wing their way accross the sky discovering the wonders of nature provided to us by our maker. At present, I am sitting here in the east, alongside one of the most famous Trout fishing rivers, known all over the world and not once have I accepted its invitation, sad.